With the first consistent spell of sunny, warm weather, well by Cornish standards anyway, we've been out taking lots of photo's of bees! We treated ourselves to a new macro lens to help us capture better shots of the
bee bricks in action and the finer details of these winged visitors. If you want to keep up to date with our nature photography, and more specifically our bee photography, then do find us on
instagram or
facebook where we'll be posting regular shots.

Capturing the solitary bee resting on the
bee brick. We think this is a male bee who has emerged first from the nest and is now waiting for the female solitary bees to follow suit.

Showing the full cavities of a bee brick, presumably the nests of red mason bees due to the chewed up mud/soil used to plug the cavity.

We think this one looks as though the bee is breakdancing, what more can we say?!