Loss of habitat is credited as one of the main threats to our swift population and lack of action will mean a loss of a species that has been a sign of the summer for so many years, and an important natural form of ‘pest control’ via the insects they feed on.
Further information about swifts can be found at Swift Conservation.
Where to put your SwiftBlock
Use above ground level in external property or boundary walls.
Where in a building?
Install on a side of the building that gets shade during the day or under an overhang or the eaves. Try to avoid placing too close to windows or near to vents, and keep away from predator access. Locate in a spot with clear adjacent airspace to allow high-speed direct flight access. The SwiftBlock is designed to fit flush in a wall or so you can render up to the entrance cavity.
Install at least 5m from ground level.
Build into course work using mortar mix as main build components in place of standard brick or block. Can also be wall mounted.
The Swift Block should not require any ongoing maintenance.
Swifts are happy to nest near one another, meaning that installing multiple boxes to encourage a colony is preferable. The Swift Conservation suggests a minimum of 2 blocks per house, more for commercial developments.
SwiftBlock Weight: 16.5kg (excluding packaging)
Size: 440mm x 215mm x 160mm Standard UK block size.
Simple and safe to erect. Contains cast nesting bowl. Full instructions cast into concrete surface for easy installation.
All modules Cast Concrete. CEM1 cement, up to 75% waste material from the Cornish china clay industry, cast with waterproofing agent.